Sunday, December 6, 2009

Crystal Universe

So I dredged this up out of memory and spent like half an hour googling for it... You sure end up in a lot of blind alleys googling things like "phase boundary." Essentially this guy has modeled traditional physics in terms of crystalline growth. I'll let him speak, but it's kind of a neat tie-in to what "actual physicists" think up....
"In the beginning, space was filled with a liquid hovering below its normal freezing point. Super cooled liquids like this are on a hair-trigger: the merest nudge is enough to set off a runaway frenzy of freezing. That nudge might be provided by a dust-like impurity in the liquid or perhaps by a small region which by chance is a little colder than the rest. Whatever it was, something triggered the cosmic liquid, seeding a crystal that grew explosively, racing outwards.

Does this scenario ring any bells? According to Michael Grady from the University of New York College at Fredonia, it should. He is convinced that the seeding of the crystal is nothing other than the big bang, which spawned our Universe.

As Grady sees it, all sorts of mysterious observations fall into place if our Universe was brought into being by such a phase nucleation event, triggering a transition from liquid to solid in a pre-existing fluid.

If this extraordinary idea hasn't fazed you yet, hold onto your hat. For the liquid Grady has in mind is unlike any liquid you have ever imagined. Instead of the familiar three space dimensions and one time dimension of the world we see, Grady's liquid would have filled four dimensions of space and one of time - a total of five dimensions. "For want of a better word I call it 'protospace'." says Grady.

So why do we see only three space dimensions? Grady's answer is that we are stuck on the expanding solid surface, Imagine an ordinary crystal growing in a familiar three-dimensional liquid. The boundary between the crystal and the liquid is two-dimensional, like the surface of an expanding soap bubble. But in the strange liquid envisaged by Grady-one with four space dimensions-the phase boundary is a three-dimensional surface, something that is impossible to visualize. "That is our universe," says Grady. "We think we're in a three-dimensional Universe but we're actually riding the surface of four-dimensional bubble."

So what about time? In Grady's version of the Universe, time comes in two distinct varieties. First there is the "universal time" which ticks away in the bulk liquid. This time is completely hidden from us, because our Universe exists only on the surface. The second kind is the time we experience. This, Grady believes, arises as we are carried along the fourth space dimension, perpendicular to the phase boundary. "What we perceive as time is actually the extra space dimension." says Grady. "It is different from the other space dimensions because it extends out of the phase boundary and so is inaccessible."

- whole article ->
actual paper it's based on, in case we have any mathematicians/physicists in the house. ->

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Reality Pest


(is this thing on)
(is this on?

this microphone is recording my voice. this microphone is recording all voices.
hello club. i am speaking through a microphone, which is recording my voice and putting it onto the internet::

now i am here to tell you something about lucid dreaming, well, basically it is a lucid dreaming exercise that i have been practicing.
in a book i am reading by stephen something PHD!!!!!!! he talks about how it will be hard to remember that you are dreaming if you are not so good at remembering to do other things during the day.
i am not very good at remembering to do things during the day.

he gives a series of little reality check times that you might wanna use to say, look at a watch (DIGITAL) to make sure it is operating normally or read a little slip of paper you might make that says "am i dreaming?". there is a lot more that i can tell you, but i am in a rush, and the internet is made for speed. if you can train yr memory to remember to check whether or not you are dreaming, then you will be better at remembering to check yr state in the dream (i basically already said that). i prefer communicating with my eyes.

anyway, here are some things to get started, daily markers to check yr state. i am also going to get a watch that beeps to remind me to breathe and check my state every hour.

Check yr state every time these events happen during the day. only pay attention to the goals for that day. if you remember on the first instance, you are successful. if you forget on the first instance, you have missed for that day. keep doing this week after week until you are hitting all of yr marks. i keep track of my success (which is admittedly pretty poor so far) in my dream journal.


You write something
You feel pain
You hear someone say your name
you take a drink

when you see a traffic light
hear music
throw something in the garbage
hear laughter

Turn on the tv/radio/computer
see a vegetable
see a red car
touch money

check the time
hear a phone ring

open a door
see a bird
use the toilet after noon
see the stars

put a key in a lock
see an ad
eat after breakfast
see a bike

see a pet or animal
look at your face in mirror
turn on a light
see a flower

peace love recycle
ride trains and bikes
be cool
love timmy

little nemo big nemo nintendo sega's genesis

hello club!?
i am blogging.
this is a "new sensationnnnnn" INXS

dreams i have been having have led me back from the south the deep oh so dirty and into here now everywhere, [cue vivaldi's "spring"] the ivy leagued heart of CT: NEWHAVEN.
here i am reading books on energy healing, mediating, eating from the most gourmet of dumpsters TRAITOR JOES orange CT and practicinggg my lucid dreaming

our dear dear chloe asked me to post a few thingsssss for you all here:::so here they are:

first, from "hands of light" by barbara brennan:

Love is the face and body of the Universe. It is the connective tissue of the universe, the stuff of which we are made. Love is the experience of being whole and connected to Universal Divinity.

All suffering is caused by the illusion of separateness, which generates fear and self-hatred, which eventually causes illness.

You are the master of your life. You can do much more than you thought you could, including cure yourself of a "terminal illness".

The only real "terminal illness" is simply being human. And being human is not "terminal" at all, because death is simply transition to another level of being.

I want to encourage you to step out of the normal "bounds" of your life and to begin seeing yourself differently. I want to encourage you to live your life at the cutting edge of time, allowing yourself to be born into a new life every minute.

I want to encourage you to allow your life experience to be lightly dusted with form.


all one all love etc etc etce teceteeeeeee
love timmy