Monday, October 18, 2010


hey guys,

i've never posted before but i am into alternative medicine. i have been taking a medicine called mms (miracle mineral solution) that was created by jim humble.

there are many testaments to say that it has really cured them. this has been catching on and now the FDA has gotten involved, causing people to get rid of their batches so that the pharmaceutical company can make their money.

research this. and if you want it, get it before it is completely wiped out.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Boy From Mars

Hey all, thought this was something that might tickle your fancy...

Friday, April 9, 2010

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010


2012: Time for Change -Teaser from Joao Amorim on Vimeo.

also tomorrow is a new moon! use this time wisely to set intentions, start or finish projects, and to reflect on loving kindness and gratitude.



Saturday, February 20, 2010

Spiritual (r)Evolution

more from our from our friend "soundlessdawn"

and here is a beautiful journey through the chakras:

Monday, February 15, 2010

get LUCID!

Lucid Dreaming and Entheogens:

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010

are you a dreamer?

here's a scene from "waking life" which we are watching next week!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

love from the pleiades

i quite like these guys

Monday, February 1, 2010

Cosmic Upgrade

I've been doing research on sound and consciousness for my senior project and came across some info/videos i thought you all might like:

The frequency of 528 Hz supposedly has healing effects on DNA. The frequency seems to influence the water molecules that surround the DNA helix.

Glen Rein of the Quantum Biology Research Lab in New York has performed experiments with in vitro DNA that was exposed to different recordings of musical styles. He used a technique to convert the music into audio scalar waves. He used two phase opposite sound sources from the same music to self-cancel the waves and create scalar audio waves. In the experiment a CD player, an amplifier and a spiral like self-canceling coil were used. Four styles of music were played to test tubes containing in vitro DNA. The absorption of UV light of the DNA test tube samples was measured after an hour.

Gregorian chants had caused a 5 to 9.1 % increase in the absorption of UV light due to the unwinding of the DNA helix. Sanskrit chanting caused a similar 5.8% to 8.2% effect. Rock (0-1%) and classical music (0-1.1%) had little or no effect. Glen Rein finally concluded that the audible sound waves of the Solfeggio scale can cause resonance in DNA and can have healing effects.

reading about sacred solfeggio led me to this youtube video:

which then led me to check out the user's channel, which is chock full of sweet videos, like this one:

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Norway Spiral

Have you heard about the Norway Spiral? This giant spiral appeared in the sky over Norway this past December, the day before Obama went to Norway to accept the Nobel Peace Prize. The main stream media explained that it was the result of a failed Russian missile test..... really?

Here are some more alternative perspectives on the matter:

AlienScientist, MIT student radio show on suppressed technologies

check out their youtube channel, seems pretty sweet

David Wilcock:

Sunday, January 17, 2010

CHI POWER + forum update

hello darlings,

check out this sweet video:::::

forum update:::

unfortunately consciousness club will not be a forum this semester. :(......

BUT i think we should run the meetings as if we were a forum, in other words, lets take it seriously, get to business, have some kind of continuity, have lucid dreams, do consciousness experiments, invite speakers and organize workshops/events for the wesleyan community.

enjoy the last days of break!

cosmic unconditional love,
